Everything your school needs for brilliant debating

Debate Hub is a partnership programme launched by South Hampstead High School. We run competitions and provide lesson plans, debate curricula, video guides, workshops, debate motions and other resources to help you develop your pupils’ oracy skills.



A guide to the fundamentals debating course

Start here


6- Opening Government

The first of four lessons on the team positions in BP debating.


5- Points of Information

The part of debating that most requires students to think on their feet.


4- Rebuttal

Almost everyone’s favourite part- telling other people why they are wrong!


2.4- Analogies

Another great tool for strengthening argumentation.


2.3- Chains of Analysis

This is the single most valued skill in competitive BP Debate.

2.2- Chunking

Still within the theme of developing arguments, this the first technique we teach


2.1- Turning Points Into Arguments

Now that students have ideas, we need to give them the structures to turn them into arguments.


1- Points & Prioritisation

This lesson focuses on the most fundamental skill- coming up with things to say, and recognising which of those things should be said first.


Games Pack 2- More complex

Slightly more difficult games designed to work on oracy skills while still maintaining the fun that’s essential to any good club or classroom

Debate Topics

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This House would ban charities from proselytising in the developing world

This House would prevent MPs from having an alternative source of income

This House would allow human cloning

This House would stop funding space exploration

This House would ban boxing