Spring Public Speaking
Our termly public speaking competitions are some of our most enjoyable and accessible events. The competition lasts from 4.15 to 8.30pm: students give a speech on any topic of their choosing, as well as answering questions; they also ask questions of other students and compere a student from another school. The winner of the final is decided by audience vote.
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Our public speaking competitions are designed to give students a space to talk about something important to them, and express opinions they hold. That is why the topic choice is completely given to the students and every event we are blown away by the diversity of topics, styles and speakers.
- Students must all give a five minute speech, then answer roughly five minutes of questions.
- We strongly advise students to not write out or memorise a speech word for word.
- Students also do a role called the ‘compere’ where they introduce and question another student, who they are randomly paired with on the night.
- There are two rounds. Every students speaks in one round, comperes the other, and asks audience questions in both.
- Both roles are scored by our judges. The highest scoring three-sevent students go to the final, which happens almost immediately after round two.
- There is a final in our beautiful Waterlow Hall. The winner is decided by audience vote.
- From our speakers we judge on how interesting and original the ideas are, and how engaging they are to their audience. We don’t obsess over silly things like eye contact.
- From our comperes, we look for a welcoming manner, control of their part of the event, good questions and good timekeeping.
More information including a video briefing will be sent to schools when they sign up, well in advance of the event so students can be prepared.
Our students thoroughly enjoyed taking part in the competition at your school. And even those who attended as audience members were inspired by what they saw and are excited to get involved next time. Thanks once again, for welcoming us into your school.
– Ellen, Teacher at Ark Greenwich