This House believes that academics and experts should not publicly debate conspiracy theorists
This House Regrets the rise of short-form instant messaging (e. g. WhatsApp; Slack; Teams messaging; Snap Chat; Instagram DMs)
This house would not allow minors to participate in professional e-sports tournaments
This House supports Cryosleep being publicly available for personal use
This House, as the leader of an alien planet similar to Earth but significantly more technologically advanced, would assign romantic partners based on scientific compatibility studies, to improve the population’s happiness
This House would allow human cloning
This House would stop funding space exploration
This house believes that all educational institutions should be required to provide students with online attendance options, even after COVID-19
This house would allow the use of ChatGPT for all school work
This house opposes TikTok
This house would prioritise providing students in rural areas with online access to ‘top schools’’ classes over developing schools in those rural areas
Assuming feasiblity This house supports the use of technology that exactly imitates deceased loved ones in appearance, personality and manner.
This house believes that the development of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) should be restricted exclusively to government-controlled or funded institutions
This house believes big data will improve the world
This house believes Mumsnet does more harm than good
This house regrets the existence of dating apps