Debate Topics

We have provided an extensive list of debate topics to get you started. Motions always start with ‘This house…’ which really just means ‘We, the team who are speaking…’ Motions are tagged to give an idea of what levels they are best for. Look out for our ‘Debate Hub favourite’ tag!

This House would ban music with violent lyrics

This House would ban all advertising

This House would scrap all government arts funding

This House would not consume art created by people who have committed deeply immoral acts

This house believes that activist groups should prioritise a strong social media presence over their physical presence

This house regrets the media showing photos of drowned asylum seekers

This house would ban the broadcast of any terrorist-provided hostage footage

This house believes that the government should censor the media during times of war

This house would ban the use of child actors

This house would ban ads targeted at children

This house believes that film and television studios should significantly increase the number of female villains in their productions

This house opposes TikTok

This house regrets dominant narratives of good triumphing over evil in children’s fiction

This house believes traditional news organisations should not have an opinion section

This house regrets the rise of citizen journalism

This house would never televise trials

This house regrets the popularity of ‘soldiers coming home’ videos

This house regrets the rise of anti-heroes

This house regrets the rise of reality TV

This house, as a progressive billionaire who has decided to spend considerable sums on improving the media, would fund progressive rather than objective media

This house believes the portrayel of autistic genius characters in media has done more harm than good

This house believes K Pop has done more harm than good

This house believes all citizens should have to pass a general knowledge test to be able to vote

This house believes social media does more harm than good

This house believes it is immoral to be an Instagram model