This House, as a Parent, would actively instil a value of disobeying authority in children
This House Supports strong norms encouraging children to highly prioritise the pursuit of excellence in competitive hobbies (e.g. debating, traditional sports, music, e-sports)
This house would abolish tuition fees at university
This house would not require parental consent before teaching sex education
This house would force universities to lower their entry requirements for pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds
This house would ban home schooling
This house would carry out random drug tests in schools
This house would ban boarding schools
This house would punish parents for the behaviour of their children
This house would allow random bag searches in schools
This house would make Physical Education compulsory in schools
This house would ban school uniforms
This house would abolish single-sex schools
This house would stream students in school according to academic ability
This house believes that teachers should publicly shame bullies in schools
This house would allow children to vote on what they are taught at school
This house believes that parents should teach children to choose friendship instead of romantic love as the primary relationship of importance in their life
This house believes that the voting age should be lowered to 16
This house believes that all educational institutions should be required to provide students with online attendance options, even after COVID-19
This house would allow the use of ChatGPT for all school work
This house would prioritise providing students in rural areas with online access to ‘top schools’’ classes over developing schools in those rural areas
This house would ban Religious Schools
This house prefers that a students’ final A level grade is based on the average performance over 2 years as opposed to a single high stake standard exam
This house would implement a 4 day working week
In areas of socioeconomic deprivation, This house would prioritise training students in vocational skills (such as being a mechanic, electrician, carpenter, etc.) as opposed to traditional academic subjects (history, language, advanced maths, etc.)
This house would give schools significant leeway on what they teach
This house prefers a world where the norm is to pursue higher education in your early to mid twenties rather than late teens
This house believes Academic Scholarships should be based purely on economics status
This house believes teachers should be allowed to express political opinions in class
This house believes in countries where firearms are legal and widespread, high school students should be taught how to use them
This house would replace exams with coursework
This house supports an increase in women only spaces including, but not limited to, female only tube carriages, gyms and schools
This house, as a KS3 student, would not follow news and current affairs
This house, as a talented and intelligent teenager, would not go to university
This house believes all citizens should have to pass a general knowledge test to be able to vote
This house would give more votes to young people
This house would ban private schools
This house would ban grammar schools
This house would replace exams with coursework