South Hampstead Summer Debating

Summer 2024 is MIX AND MATCH themed. You will be paired up with two random students on the evening. Our termly debating championships, in the autumn, spring and summer, are our flagship Debate Hub events. The competitions last from 4.15pm to 8.30pm; students compete in teams of three and all teams take part in three debates.

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Our debating competitions are designed, first and foremost, to be exciting, enjoyable evenings for everyone involved. There is always a wide spectrum of ability and we choose motions that are accessible to novices but can stretch experienced debaters.

  • Teams of three speakers all do three debates.
  • In each debate, every speaker gives one speech lasting no more than five minutes.
  • There are two teams in every debate: one in support of the motion (topic) and one against.
  • Students are given the motion 15 minutes before the debate and must prepare in their team, with no access to the internet.
  • The competition is divided into two age brackets: Years 7 to 9, and Years 10+
  • Rounds are power paired: teams compete against teams on the same number of wins as them.
  • It is a content first format. We look for strong arguments, with good explanation and reasoning. Style matters, but is secondary to content.
  • We hire judges who have a lot of debate and judging experience so the students receive high-quality, actionable feedback for every debate.
  • The location is South Hampstead High School, 3 Maresfield Gardens, London, NW3 5SS

Being able to get out and debate face-to-face at South Hampstead, following your excellent workshop, had a remarkably rapid impact on their skills and confidence.

– Mr Beadle, Teacher at St Bede’s